In general, a business in operation has quite a bit of data that shows the transactions it carries out with all its partners and customers. As a result, backing up all this information requires an adequate security system to avoid data leakage problems. Moreover, it must be said that many companies must implement an effective action plan to correct the imperfections observed in the security of data processed in each department within the company.

A definition of priority actions remains crucial

Numerous symposiums and workshops have been organized to help define the priority actions that must be carried out together and in all sectors in order to guarantee IT security within a company. In the same vein, it has been identified that the introduction of a system for securing computer data is now becoming an unavoidable objective. Moreover, for some potential players, they have already anticipated the basic idea of the concept by insisting on the implementation of a data protection system through the application of IT solutions provided by specialized cloud computing providers.

Cloud computing: principle and purpose

Among other things, in the use of cloud computing services, it follows that the storage of data is done online, and the provision of the IT services used to manage this data is accessible remotely via the internet (the cloud). Of course, the main objective of cybersecurity is, above all, to achieve greater efficiency in the use of all database analysis tools. And thanks to the use of software with specific functionalities in the management of the available computer network and the exploitation of artificial intelligence in this sense, probable leaks have been ruled out in favour of data security. In any case, the user only pays for the services of his provider in the provision of the Internet. In the meantime, the user can thus have the opportunity to devote more time to managing the existing infrastructure according to operational needs.

Rules for communication and file transfer should be foreseen

In principle, during the transfer of confidential files at the level of each department within the company, it is essential that all those involved in this respect follow fairly strict protocol rules for a better guarantee that all the data handled during the operation is backed up. Indeed, access to company data must no longer be authorized to anyone and the recording of information concerning the company must not be done using the personal devices of the employee in charge of the data transfer, such as his USB key or other external drives. It has now become necessary to adopt a new policy within a company for the protection of data against possible leaks, contrary to what has happened before.